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The Respiralia Foundation is one of the non-profit entities that EROSKI has selected to be part of its solidarity donation campaign for its clients. The “Mide Sonrisas” campaign will donate the proceeds to 14 projects, including the one at Fundació Respiralia.
The #midesonrisas campaign with #eroski
begins. Buy your calendar-rule for €1,00 and join the solidarity smile. You can share your pictures using the hashtag #midesonrisas
The representatives of the 14 beneficiary non-profits have thanked Eroski for this new edition of the campaign, which will help improve the lives of many children with health problems on our islands.
For his part, Joan Ripoll, responsible for institutional relations, has shown Eroski’s satisfaction for being able to collaborate with these organizations for another year and has highlighted the great solidarity of the clients of this cooperative in the Balearic Islands. ABAIMAR, ABDEM, ACCAB, ADIBA, ADISMA, ASNIMO, ASPACE, ASPANOB, ASPAPRODE, APNAP, CENTER MATER MISERICORDIAE, DISFAM, FUNDACIÓN NEMO and FUNDACIÓN RESPIRALIA are the 14 entities benefiting from the full collection of this campaign, which expect to obtain € 3,500 each.