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Yolanda talks about her experience with Yoga and Mindfulness in CF to listen to the body in this new informative capsule about Cystic Fibrosis.
Accepting reality
Yolanda Molina has just turned 47. She has Cystic Fibrosis and worked for 20 years as a technical architect. For the last few years, yoga and mindfulness have helped her to do something very important: to accept reality.
One of the most difficult steps is to accept the disease and the limitations it imposes.
Work, family and Cystic Fibrosis
After working many days breathing dust, with work tensions, with difficulties to combine Cystic Fibrosis and her daily duties, Yolanda made the decision to stop working to focus on expanding her family through adoption. As she explains in the video, the body and mind give you warnings that you have to stop, that you cannot follow a certain rhythm of life because Cystic Fibrosis is eating you up if you do not pay attention to it.
Yoga and Mindfulness in CF to listen to the body
First Yoga, based on postures and meditation, and then Mindfulness, based on meditation alone, have helped her to improve her breathing, the link between both disciplines, to relax the muscles of her rib cage and to live more intensely in the present. She has moved away from toxic thoughts of a more or less uncertain future and now takes advantage of the opportunities that life gives her at the family level.
Prioritization of important things
The change has materialized with the prioritization of the important things in her life, coming to the conclusion that the simple things we have around us can be just as fulfilling, if not more so, than those dreams we have when we are younger.
Take care of yourself and take advantage of the “now”.
Her advice to younger and not so young people with Cystic Fibrosis: Yoga and Mindfulness allow you to listen much better to your body and to know what things are worthwhile in this life. Take care of yourself and take advantage of the “now” to be better tomorrow. If you don’t, it may be too late when you realize it.
What is Cystic Fibrosis?
Cystic Fibrosis is a genetic, serious and degenerative disease that to date has no cure.
It mainly affects the respiratory, digestive, reproductive and sweat glands.
You can see the infographic published by the Cystic Fibrosis Spanish Federation in this link or see how Dani tells us what this disease is for him in this vídeo.
Currently, more than 2,000 mutations are known to cause the disease.
Statistics show that 1 in 5,000 people in Spain has Cystic Fibrosis (1 in 6,400 in the Balearic Islands) and 1 in 35 people is a carrier of a gene that causes the disease.
In the Balearic Islands there are 73 known diagnosed cases, but statistics speak of between 85 and 90 possible cases.
The awareness project of the Respiralia Foundation aims to raise awareness of this disease in order to discover those cases of people who have Cystic Fibrosis but have not yet been diagnosed.